Export Services – International Express Delivery
Express services to another country with Global Freight Shipping Company versatile and reliable delivery options: from emergency same day, through guaranteed time-critical next day, to less urgent day certain options. Please note that not all services are available in every country. Please refer to local website for service offerings in your country
When ordering Global Freight Security and Shipping Limited services you, as “Shipper”, are agreeing, on your behalf and on behalf of anyone else with an interest in the Shipment, that the Terms and Conditions shall apply from the time that Company accepts the Shipment unless otherwise agreed in writing by an authorized officer of Global freight Security and Shipping Limited.
“Shipment” means all documents or parcels that travel under one waybill and which may be carried by any means of the Company of any chooses, including air, road or any other carrier. A “waybill” shall include any label produced by Global Freight Security and Shipping Limited automated systems, waybill, or consignment note and shall incorporate these Terms and Conditions. Every Shipment is transported on a limited liability basis as provided herein. If Shipper requires greater protection, then insurance may be arranged at an additional cost.